Breast Augmentation Surgery in Korea Archives - Seoul Guide Medical

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Korea Archives - Seoul Guide Medical

Breast Augmentation – Your Guide by Seoul Guide Medical

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

Have you ever wanted more voluptuous breasts? Breast Augmentation is a surgery specially designed for people who seek to enlarge their breasts, correct their asymmetry and more!

Breast augmentation surgery can come in the form of breast implants and breast fat grafting. The former provides more of a size increase and options. The latter provides a smaller size increase and has limitations. This article, carefully written by the experts at Seoul Guide Medical, contains everything you need to know about breast enlargement surgery.

What Is Breast Implant Augmentation?

Breast implant augmentation, also known as mammoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure where a surgeon reshapes, reconstructs and or enlarges the breast with an implant. This creates an aesthetically pleasing chest area according to the needs and wants of the patient. An alternative method to increase breast size is via fat grafting which is also known as breast fat transfer. Fat is taken from another part of your body, via liposuction, and is processed and grafted into the needed areas. This can result in a half or one cup size increase usually and requires two fat grafting sessions done more than 4 weeks apart and less than 12 weeks apart. Studies have shown that breast augmentation has the highest satisfaction rate of any plastic surgery procedure with implants being the go to method over fat grafting. A study done by Figueroa-Hass used the Female Sexualty Function Index and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale to examine differences before and after breast augmentation surgery. The study found a massive increase of 76% in self-esteem and self-confidence. Sexual satisfaction increased 57%, sexual arousal increased 81% and sexual desire increased 78.6% after breast augmentation surgery. 

What To Expect From The Surgery

There are a few things to consider when planning out breast augmentation: implant location, the kind of implant used, the texture, the size of the implant, the incision point, the patient’s body limitations and the patient’s wants. If you want to see how the progression of implants works, click here to see the results after 5 weeks, click here to see different results after 1 week  click here  and click here to see our patient’s 2 year update after her implants. 

Implant Placement

Breast implants can be placed below or above the pectoral muscle wall. If the implant goes behind (or under) the muscle, it is called submuscular placement. Alternatively, the implant can be placed above the chest muscle and this is known as subglandular placement. 


What’s Better? Over the Muscle or Under the Muscle Placement?

The best placement method for breast implants is the one that is right for you. There is no placement that is best for everyone. Submuscular (over the muscle) places the implant behind the pectoralis major muscle (chest muscle). At Seoul Guide Medical, we recommend that this is a good option for women with small amounts of natural breast tissue. Because the breast implant is placed underneath the muscle, the implants will be supported by that muscle and be covered by the muscle and the additional breast tissue over that muscle. This will lead to more natural results for patients with little natural breast tissue. It is important to note that for patients with severe sagging of the breasts (caused by breastfeeding or aging), under the muscle placement may not be ideal. This is because the muscle sits on the upper portion of the chest and if the breasts have drooped past the chest muscle then placing implants below the chest muscle will cause the implants to look too high in relation to the natural breast tissue. In this case, above the muscle implants are more advisable. You should note that this is a more intensive surgery than above the breast implants and will require a slightly longer recovery time and can be a bit more involved. For women who are competitive bodybuilders and will be doing heavy weight chest exercises, above the muscle implants will be better. 

Subglandular or above the muscle implants only uses the body’s natural breast tissue to cover the implant. For women who have a high amount of natural breast tissue, this option is more ideal. In order to have natural looking implants, having enough coverage of the implant is crucial. If there is enough fat tissue to cover them, then an over the muscle approach can be used. If there is not enough fat tissue to cover the implants then an under the muscle placement should be used. Because the chest muscle is not operated on, there is less discomfort after surgery. There is also no risk for bodybuilders with this approach. You should note that this method has a bit more risk in terms of wrinkles, folds and rippling risk when compared to under the muscle placement as the chest muscle provides more coverage. Issues like those mentioned above are more likely to happen with patients who have little breast tissue naturally. 

Breast Implant Incision Methods 

There are 3 main areas where plastic surgeons can make incisions from: the breast fold, the areola and the armpit area. There is an option from the belly button but this is not normally done as the results can be hampered due to the complexity of the surgery. 

  • Breast fold, or inframammary incision

This incision is made underneath the breast fold. The breast naturally folds above the abdomen. An incision underneath the breast fold is the most straightforward method, allows for a shorter surgery and recovery time and can accomodate any size of implant that the body will accept. This incision method is also recommended for revision surgery cases  or if you want to have larger implants. This method has the lowest rate of complications. The scar fades over time but will be slightly noticeable if you look closely. Luckily you only see it when the breast is lifted and you are looking straight ahead or up at the breasts.

  • Areola, or Periareolar Incision

The incision is made along the nipple area (usually along the lower half). This incision creates a scar that follows the areola making it almost invisible. This is because the incision is made along the line where the color naturally changes from lighter skin to darker nipples and thus the scar is hidden well. Recovery is quick and there is less pain associated with this placement after surgery. This method is usually reserved for placing smaller implants and you have a risk of loss of sensation in the nipples.  

  • Armpit, or Transaxillary Incision

The incision is made in the armpit folds, which makes sure the scar is virtually invisible and hidden away. This method has limitations on implant size but is great if you are worried about excess scarring. Patients with more melanin (more pigment in their skin) will show more scarring than those with less melanin. Thus, patients who are worried about scarring should consider this method.

Types of Breast Implants

There are different types of breast implants a doctor can use. Seoul Guide Medical can determine what implant would suit your body best during your on-line and in-clinic consultations.  As with implant placement and incision points, there is no one best type of implant for everyone. What is best is what suits your body best. Click here and here to watch two different patients’ processes and their explanations. 

Different Shapes

Although there are variations, you can consider that there are two main shapes to choose from:

  • Round
  • Teardrop (anatomical)

Women who already have sufficient lower half breast tissue but require more volume in the upper half of their chest are ideal candidates for round shaped implants. This round shape creates more volume in the upper half and thus more cleavage. It provides a fuller, curvier look. Women who initially have more breast tissue are ideal candidates for round implants over women with naturally little breast tissue. When you lay down, the implant filler material will spread outwards but the shape will remain similar whether standing or laying down.

Women who have less breast tissue naturally are good candidates for teardrop shaped implants. These are anatomically shaped implants with more volume in their lower half. The look created is one of a gently sloping curve towards the nipple as natural breasts have. These implants provide less of a round look in the top half. For women who want to have the absolutely most natural implants in terms of movement and feel then Motiva may be a good option. These implants follow your natural movements. When you lay down, the implant holds a round shape and when you stand up they form a natural looking sloped silhouette. They are also extremely natural to the touch. You should note that these implants will cost you more than other implants but it may be worth it to you.  

Different textures

A breast implant can be smooth or  textured. 

Smooth Type

The smooth type breast implant is very soft to the touch and can move within the breast implant pouch created by the surgeon during surgery. This means that the movement can mimic natural breast movement better. 

Smooth breast implants are described by plastic surgeons as being the softest feeling. They can move within the breast implant pouch, which may provide more natural movement.

On the other hand, textured breast implants cause scar tissue to develop and stick to the implant, which makes them less likely to move and shift position.

Silicone gel-filled and saline implants can be smooth or textured because the texturing is on the surface of the implant, regardless of what the implant is filled with.

This implant type feels soft to the touch and can rotate inside the breast pocket. It’s easy to place, and it’s also easy to correct if there are any complications. 

Textured Type

With this implant, the breast implant is textured. This allows the surrounding tissue to connect better with the implant and fixes the implant in place. 

What is great about this type of implant is that there’s not much possibility for the rupture of the implant and capsular contracture. Capsular contracture can occur when the implant’s scar tissue causes the implant to deform. It can affect the form, texture, and feeling of the breast. With a textured type breast implant, the chance of this happening is low. The shape change possibility is also common.

Which type of implant is the best for you can be best decided through a careful examination by one of the plastic surgeons. 

Different inside textures 

Now that we have talked about the outside texture let’s also talk about the inside texture. There are two types of texture used for the implants. 

  1. Saline
  2. silicone gel

In Korea, it’s not common to use saline implants. It has been used in the past, but breast implants have improved a lot, and there are better alternatives now. Here is where the silicone implants come in. 

Silicone implants mimic the feel of actual breast tissue and, therefore, a more natural breast. Also, if the implants happen to rupture, which doesn’t happen very often, you won’t notice it at first. The implant would reduce in size with the saline implants, and you’d see it right away. With the silicone ones, the silicone isn’t a liquid, so if by any chance happens to rupture, the silicone will stay inside the breast pocket, and the size will not reduce.

Alternatives to implants

A commonly used method for people who don’t want a significant change but a very minor one, fat transfer surgery could also be an option. Fat is taken from the back of your thigh or belly and transferred to the breast area. This gives you a very natural but slim improvement, like 0,5 or 1 cup size up. If you are thin and don’t have enough fat to transfer, this method is challenging to perform. 

Am I the Right Candidate?

Breast augmentation surgery is recommended to those who:

  • have small breasts and want to enhance this
  • have asymmetrical and/or uneven breast size
  • have small and/or sagging breasts due to breastfeeding
  • have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery

Those who have sagging breasts and want to correct this by breast augmentation need to know that implants alone might not work. In some cases, you may need breast lifting as well.

Also, having realistic expectations is essential in this procedure. The surgeon may choose a different size, placement, or different type of implant depending on your body type. If this happens, don’t be alarmed since they have the best intentions in mind, and they are looking for the most natural results.

What Is the Best Option For Me?

As you can see, there are different things to think about when getting breast implants. These are all options that can be combined or not. Remember, the ultimate goal is to have natural-looking breasts, and what works for someone else might not work for you, and vice versa. A consultation with a certified plastic surgeon is always needed before deciding on a type of breast implant.

At Seoul Guide Medical, we are happy to help and assist in your choice. We work together with only the top 1% of plastic surgeons, ensuring your complete safety. We go with you to every consultation and advise you on the most suitable choice for you.

What Is The Surgery Time and Recovery Period for Implants

The placement of the implants takes about 1-3 hours. You will be under general anesthesia, which means you’ll be asleep during the surgery, and therefore it won’t be painful.

  • After 2-3 days, it’s possible to continue to shower and enjoy your everyday life. This could differ if you got the under the breast incision or around the areola incision.  
  • About 2 weeks after the surgery, the stitches will be removed. We will give you some tips on taking care of your breasts after the surgery, which will usually include using a prescribed scar cream and wearing the right bra. After the surgery, you’ll have to wear a garment to support your breasts. Still, after 2 weeks, you can either wear a sports bra or a bra with a long enough underwire to give your breasts the support they need to heal in the right place. We’ll also check the progress in this aftercare session and give you a high-frequency treatment to quicken the healing progress. Please note that in some cases, there are no stitches to remove.
  • 1 month after the surgery, you’ll get another progress check, and swelling of the breasts starts to go down. At the clinic, we also use an ultrasound device to see if the healing progress on the inside of the breasts is also improving. 
  • After 3 months, most of the swelling should be gone, but it isn’t until 1-2 years until you’ll see the end result. 
  • After 6 months till 1 year, we examine your breasts on the outside and inside to make sure everything is healing the way it should, and we work on scar laser management.

What Are The Costs?

It really depends on what kind of surgeon you choose, the surgery length, its complexity, the type of breast implant and more.  We’ve seen cases go from anywhere from 4000 USD to 20,000 USD. It’s really hard to narrow the pricing range past this point without having a detailed consultation with our staff. Send us an e-mail to [email protected] or constant us through our website for for a detailed consultation with our expert staff and get your price estimate as soon as possible.


We understand that there’s a lot of variabilities to choose from, but we at Seoul Guide Medical can assist! You can get in contact with us with the following:


Will The Silicone Implants Rupture If I Lay On My Stomach?

The silicone implants undergo a lot of testing. The test includes a lot of things and also heavy resistance tests. An example can be where the testers throw something serious on the implant and see whether it ruptures or not.

How Much Time Do I Need to Go Back to Work?

This question isn’t easy to answer since it depends on what kind of job you have. If you have a position where you sit behind your desk, you don’t need much recovery time. On the other hand, if you have a job where you walk around all day and require lifting of any kind, the recovery time is longer. Always discuss this with your plastic surgeon to be entirely sure when you’re able to go back to work.

What Are the Side Effects of Breast Surgery?

Breast augmentations are very safe procedures, where only a few patients experience side effects. Side effects can include bruising, swelling, and some pain. For the first few days, you will be on pain medication to ensure you’re as comfortable as you can be.


Breast Augmentation Surgery – Everything You Need to Know

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

A timeless and classic example of a woman’s body part that has always been considered significant in regards to her beauty is the breasts. Though beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and can have many faces, breasts seem to be a factor that seems to weigh heavily on the scale of attractiveness regardless of the times or cultures. Unfortunately, they are not something that all women are gifted with, and even when they are they do not always look like the ideal pair. Fortunately, however, is that now we live in a time in which we have the option of undergoing breast augmentation to achieve the ideal breasts in our eyes. 

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, or as it is loosely referred, a ‘boob job’, simply means increasing the size of the breast. This can be done through two different methods, them being implants or a fat transfer. There can be a variety of reasons why women would feel they need this procedure, such as;

  • Mothers whose breasts have changed in appearance after breastfeeding; usually the breasts appear ‘deflated’. 
  • Women who have undergone the removal of breast cancer which has left one or both of the breasts significantly reduced in size. 
  • Asymmetric breasts
  • Tubular breasts
  • Women who feel their breasts are too small

Boob Job Procedure

There are a few critical steps that you must choose and take before undergoing the procedure. They are listed for you below. Regardless of what options you choose, general anesthesia will be administered, and the standard length of the procedure is 2 hours for a non-complex case. Preoperative marking will also be done. Make sure to ask your plastic surgeon the following questions.  

Location of Incision

There are three possible locations for your incision.

  • The first and preferred incision method is inframammary (IMF) due to a variety of reason such as;
  1. Less likely to cause complications.
  2. The implant is more easily manipulated by the surgeon, therefore it is placed much more exact than through the other incisions.
  3. If a second surgery is needed it is easier to do it through the previous incision site.
  4. If you know your body generally leaves thick scars this may not be the best option for you, though over time most people’s scarring will fade to a light, barely visible line. It will be hidden by the breasts natural crease as well.  
  • The second option is periareolar (the bottom of the nipple). 
  1. The scarring has the potential to blend into the nipple due to the difference present between the nipples’ color versus the skins’. 
  2. More likely to cause CC.
  1. This offers less noticeable scarring due to its location.
  2. This method is more difficult for the surgeon to manipulate the implant with, therefore exact results are more difficult to achieve. 

B. Location of Implant

There are two possible options for the location of the implant. The primary and preferred location most surgeons have is submuscular (below the muscle) due to a variety of factors such as;

  1. A more natural appearance
  2. Less likelihood of sagging  
  3. If more muscular, it may distort the shape of the implant or cause discomfort. 

The secondary location is subglandular. This location can have increased sagging in the later years of the implants course, and may show rippling as well as the nipple’s numbness increased. 

C. Texture

There are two options for texture, the preferred one being smooth. This is particularly important as one of the most common complications with breast implants is capsular contraction (CC). This is when the natural scar tissue pocket that the body forms around the implant (which is completely natural when you introduce a foreign item into your body and is what helps give the new breast its shape) hardens over time. This can cause the breasts to get that artificial appearance, as well as make them firm to the touch. More significantly, in extreme cases it can cause pain and discomfort if the pocket becomes too tight. Smooth implants are significantly less likely to cause CC. 

The second option are textured implants. The main benefit of these implants is that they claim that they do not ‘slip’ and therefore prevent sagging. However, it is important to keep in mind the increased likelihood of CC. They are also more likely to cause Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL), a type of cancer of the immune system.

D. Silicone or Saline?

This is the most common question that most people have when it comes to choosing the right implant. They both offer benefits that you should consider when choosing the correct implant for you, such as;

Silicone Saline
Most people claim the texture of this implant offers the most similar texture to real breasts when they are touched. If the implant ruptures, the body will simply reabsorb the saline, which is just salt water. The boob will immediately deflate, therefore it will be easy to know if an implant has ruptured.


It seems to offer the most natural results afterwards.


They are usually cheaper than silicone implants.


Saying this, both also have possible downsides such as;

Silicone Saline
If the implant ruptures, it is much more difficult to tell. Though the body will not absorb the silicone, the leaking silicone might migrate to other parts of the body if not caught early enough and cause further complications. This is why it is recommended that you get an MRI 3 years after your initial surgery and every 2 years after to check for a possible rupture. This is an extra cost. Some people have said they can hear the water in the breast swirling when they move.


Alternative Option for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Fat Grafting

fat grafting alternative method of breast augmentation

This technique is relatively new to the world of cosmetic surgery, therefore it is less researched and the ideal technique has not been perfect. The main idea behind this is moving extra fat from one place in your body that tends to carry most of your fat, such as your thighs, stomach or buttocks. This is usually done through liposuction. Afterwards the fat is treated through a method in which the pure fat cells are separated from other substances and fluids that are suctioned out. Once the pure fat is all that is left, that fat is injected into the desired area (in this case, the breasts), until they are full. 

This procedure offers two benefits in one, due to the fact that liposuction and breast enhancement is done at once. It also is significantly safer due to the fact that the body will not reject its own fat cells, so no adverse reactions should occur. A significant study has also recently come forward saying that women who undergo this procedure during ovulation retain almost 50% of fat, while women outside of their ovulation window will only retain 29-35% on average. 

This procedure may seem perfect, however, results can never be fully guaranteed and therefore downsides exist. Due to the fact that the body can reabsorb the fat, exactly how much fat will survive can never be truly estimated. It also tends to carry a heavier price tag than breast implants. Most significantly, the breasts can only expand so much before they become constricted. Excessively constricted fat is less likely to survive, so your surgeon will overfill the breasts knowing a good portion of the fat will die, but they cannot bring you up multiple cup sizes. At most expect half to a full cup increase in size. If your goal is to go up in size more than this, it is recommended to go with breast implants instead. 

Boob Job Recovery

It may seem like the hard work is over after sorting through all the options of what you want and what your surgeon advised, as well as after having undergone the procedure, but this stage can be considered the most critical in what the final appearance of your breasts will be. Proper care of the new breasts is crucial. These will be the general steps of recovery, but can vary between each surgeon’s preference.

  1. Immediately after surgery, your new breasts will be wrapped in a surgical bra to keep them in place for the first few days. You will have the most swelling during this stage, though there shouldn’t be significant bruising. You will also be prescribed antibiotics which you must finish the full course through to prevent any infection of the incision site. Pain killers may also be prescribed to help with the initial pain. 
  2. At your follow up consultation three days later, your breasts will be checked for progress and bandaging will be changed.
  3. The next follow up will be about seven days after surgery. At this time, you will be switched from your surgical bra to a sort of holster bra. This will help support and guide your breasts into their new shape. An elastic band will also be applied around the top of the breasts that will be tightly wrapped to help push the breasts down. You will keep this on for the first month. About 80% of swelling should also disappear after the first month.  
  4. You will be able to shower about 10 days after your surgery. 
  5. Avoid strenuous exercise for 4-6 weeks. Your surgeon will give you a more exact timeline. 
  6. After your holster bra is removed, you will be allowed to wear sports bras. Nothing with an underwire can be worn for 6 months after surgery. 
  7. You may begin massaging the breasts to help expand the pocket and prevent CC three months after surgery. 

Boob Job Before and After

As you can see there is a significant difference between the original size and shape of the breasts as compared to the final results after breast augmentation.

As you can see, a boob job offers a significant possibility in being able to change your breasts appearance. There are two options for how you want to achieve an increased breast size, the largest factor being how much you would like the sizing to change. For filling about a cup size, a fat transfer would be the most ideal. If you want to go up more than one cup size, it is recommended you get implants, or have repeat procedures of the fat transfer.

For best results, you can also combine both procedures. It is crucial not only to pick all the correct options to suit your idea of the perfect breasts, but to follow post-operative care instructions to achieve the best results. If you feel prepared to begin this process towards your new and improved breasts, feel free to contact Seoul Guide Medical who will put you in contact with some of the most renowned plastic surgeons in Korea. For some of the most natural results possible, get your breast augmentation in Korea